'This is what it feels like to be Palestinian' Movie

(coming soon InshAllah)

In the name of ALLAH.Palestine

This is what it feels like to be Palestinian

In the unwavering spirit of Malcolm X, a voice of unapologetic truth and defiant courage, "This is what it feels like to be Palestinian" emerges not just as a story but as a testament to resilience, a proclamation of identity, and a tapestry of the Palestinian spirit, woven through the ages of trials and tribulations.

This narrative is etched into the sinews of an indomitable people, whose land is an ancestral echo, reverberating with the footsteps of forefathers and the whispered prayers of generations. It's a portrait of the Palestinian existence, painted with the colors of perseverance, the strokes of suffering, and the shades of hope that linger even when the night is at its darkest.

Through the eyes of a people whose narrative has been besieged by the tides of oppression, "This is what it feels like to be Palestinian" unravels the threads of a collective memory, rich with culture and steadfast in the face of erasure. It speaks to the heart of resistance, the right to exist, and the power of a voice rising from the silenced margins to declare, with unyielding resolve, "I am here, I am Palestinian."

In the tradition of Malcolm X, the story does not beg for empathy nor does it whisper for help—it demands justice. It commands recognition, not from the place of victimhood, but from the unwavering strength that comes from knowing who you are and where you belong. It's a narrative that says, in the face of adversity, "We didn't land on the struggle; the struggle landed on us," and just as we have weathered the storms of the past, we shall navigate the torrents of the present and carve a path to a future where our children can live in the peace and dignity that is their birthright.

"This is what it feels like to be Palestinian" is not merely a description but a living experience, an unbroken connection to the land, and an undying love for freedom that burns fiercely in the heart of every Palestinian. It is the story of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, set against the backdrop of a land that is both cherished and contested, but never forgotten.

Watch Essam - Free Palestine (Official Video)